A SÍNDROME DA ESCASSEZ COMANDA O MUNDO O incrível efeito da percepção de falta no cérebro

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José Luiz Cazarotto


Mullainathan and Shafir from a series of issues related to the personal time and financial limits, seek to understand the mentality of scarcity and as the tunnel effect prevents more intelligent procedures both in financial terms and in everyday activities. To this end they put in dialogue the latest Psychological and Economics research directly related to the solution of poverty mainly. The Scholars here deal with some concepts like scarcity mindset, lack of slack, tunneling, mind capture, bandwidth tax, executive mind control, fluid intelligence, shock, psychology of perception, and so on, and related all this to specific examples or situations of experiments either in laboratory or in day by day life. It seems that what goes for single people or just a group also applies to companies and even nations


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How to Cite
Cazarotto, J. L. (2019). A SÍNDROME DA ESCASSEZ COMANDA O MUNDO: O incrível efeito da percepção de falta no cérebro. ESPAÇOS - Revista De Teologia E Cultura, 22(2), 143–162. Retrieved from https://itesp.emnuvens.com.br/espacos/article/view/236
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Author Biography

José Luiz Cazarotto

Professor de psicologia no ITESP e membro do Royal Anthropological Institute e do Anthropos International