Breaking paradigms the impact of a partnership between a Catholic instituition and a traditional Baptist community in favor of human life

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Eliane Maura Littig Milhomem de Freitas
Renato de Lima da Costa


The text presens a welcoming project developed by Evangelical Baptist Church in Vila Antonieta, a suburb of São Paulo, and the Peace Mission. The objective is to demonstrate the impact of this partnership in the Baptist community in some aspects, focusing this approach as a break of paradigm in the practices related to social engagements of the Baptist community, whose actions are most commonly promoted and carried out in conjunction with other Baptist or at least Evangelical institutions in general.


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How to Cite
Freitas, E. M. L. M. de, & Costa, R. de L. da. (2019). Breaking paradigms: the impact of a partnership between a Catholic instituition and a traditional Baptist community in favor of human life. ESPAÇOS - Revista De Teologia E Cultura, 25(1 e 2), 77–90. Retrieved from
Seção Artigos
Author Biographies

Eliane Maura Littig Milhomem de Freitas

Doutoranda em Ciência da Religião na PUC-SP.

Renato de Lima da Costa

Doutorando em Ciência da Religião na PUC-SP.