The Feast of the Church in the Pontificate of Pope Francisco

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José Erivaldo Dantas


The present article brings to the reflection a possible feature of the Church of the pontificate of Pope Francisco, whom we consider to be a poor, missionary and welcoming Church. A Church with open doors, which seeks to be faithful to the cause of the Gospel, especially in the encounter with the poorest of society, considered by Francis the main recipients of the outgoing Church mission. A Poor Church and for the Poor, which aims not at the obsessive transmission of doctrines but the welcoming comfort to those who for some reason are far from the proclamation of the Gospel. The mission of the Church is to make everyone feel welcome, loved, forgiven and animated, because from the heart of the Gospel we can rediscover the intimate connection that exists between evangelization and human promotion (EG n. 178).


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How to Cite
Dantas, J. E. (2019). The Feast of the Church in the Pontificate of Pope Francisco. ESPAÇOS - Revista De Teologia E Cultura, 27(1), 109–125. Retrieved from
Seção Artigos
Author Biography

José Erivaldo Dantas

Licenciado em Filosofia pelo Centro Universitário Assunção – UNIFAI, bacharel em Teologia pela Escola Dominicana de Teologia – EDT e Mestre em Ciências da Religião pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo.


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