Religiosity of the academic: comments by the subjects and didactic application

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Jorge Claudio Ribeiro


The present text adds recent results provided by a research on religiousness (understood as human capacity, historically and culturally determined, to elaborate meanings for the totality of existence) as it is experienced by undergraduates at PUC-SP. The data provided by the last two versions (3 and 4) of the quantitative / qualitative research questionnaire complete the initial versions. Consequently, this text analyses: A- the free comments written at the end of the questionnaire; B- the didactic experience involving powerful objects and the meanings attributed to them by the subjects, which make them portraits of the young religiousness.


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How to Cite
Ribeiro, J. C. (2019). Religiosity of the academic:: comments by the subjects and didactic application. ESPAÇOS - Revista De Teologia E Cultura, 27(1), 127–141. Retrieved from
Seção Artigos
Author Biography

Jorge Claudio Ribeiro

Livre-docente em ciência da religião pela PUC-SP e professor nessa mesma universidade.


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