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Wellington Da Silva de Barros


Many immigrants and refugees who come to Brazil are adept of religions other than those of the majority in the national religious field. The challenge remains to promote acceptance, aiming at promoting autonomy and human dignity, going beyond closed or even proselytizing postures. We know that in many parts of the world and also in Brazil, many people adopt closing positions in view of the necessary welcome to migrants for various reasons, including the issue of religious alterity. From the philosophy of Enrique Dussel and his reflection on otherness, we want to propose practical foundations for welcoming, coexistence and dialogue


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Barros, W. D. S. de. (2020). THE RELIGIONS OF IMMIGRANTS AND REFUGEES AND THE CONCEPT OF OTHERNESS IN DUSSEL. ESPAÇOS - Revista De Teologia E Cultura, 27(2), 213–229. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

Wellington Da Silva de Barros

Doutor em Ci`ência da Religião pela PUCSP, em Teologia pela Universidade Urbaniana de Roma e professor no ITESP.


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