A Jealous and vindictive God. A reading of Dt 13.7-12

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Shigeyuki Nakanose
Maria Antonia Marques


In this article, the authors examine, in the history of Judah, the process of imposing the temple of Jerusalem as the unique religious center in the name of the official Yahweh of the State, a powerful and punishing God, persecuting the religious manifestations of any other deity. The centralization of the cult in the service of power affects the popular religiosity of the people, eliminating even the domestic gods, the god of home, who sanctifies the family ties of the home. In contrast to the official Yahweh, popular prophets and sages preach Yahweh the paternal and maternal God of gratuitousness, who listens and welcomes the poor and oppressed.


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How to Cite
Nakanose, S., & Marques, M. A. (2020). A Jealous and vindictive God.: A reading of Dt 13.7-12. ESPAÇOS - Revista De Teologia E Cultura, 28(1), 65–76. Retrieved from https://itesp.emnuvens.com.br/espacos/article/view/719
Seção Artigos
Author Biographies

Shigeyuki Nakanose

Missionário do Verbo Divino, doutor em Teologia pelo Seminário Teológico de Nova York, coordenador do Centro Bíblico Verbo e professor no ITESP

Maria Antonia Marques

Doutora em Ciência da Religião pela UMESP, assessora do Centro Bíblico Verbo e de comunidades e professora no ITESP.


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