Fraternity Campaign 2020: Life-Gift-Commitment

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Lisaneos Prates


The ecclesial face of the Church in Brazil has been marked upon almost six decades by a pastoral-missionary action, inspired by the commitment to the Christian fraternity. Such a pastoral-missionary of the Church, has as one of its results, in the scope of theological reflection, the connection of the fraternity to the theological concept of liberation. The fraternity campaign of the year 2020 brings as theme: Fraternity and Life: Virtues and compromise, as Lemma: Saw, had compassion and took care of him (Luke 10:33-34). The proposal is to invite the Church in Brazil, to do from the fraternity, a compromise to the human life service and the life in the planet. The objectivity is to present the Christian faith as mediation of transformation of the inhumane realities that degrade the life of the Brazilian people


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How to Cite
Prates, L. (2020). Fraternity Campaign 2020:: Life-Gift-Commitment. ESPAÇOS - Revista De Teologia E Cultura, 28(1), 77–89. Retrieved from
Seção Artigos
Author Biography

Lisaneos Prates

Doutor em Teologia Dogmática pela Universidade Gregoriana de Roma. Professor de Teologia na PUC-SP


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