The The communication in spiritualibus et in sacris: Some considerations on ecumenism and sacramental law

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Alejandro Cifuentes Flores


The Second Vatican Council highlighted the concern and encouragement of true ecumenism. In the various attempts, the Church has created ways to approach and talk with the various Christian churches; in this attempt, when any element contained in the Depositum fidei comes into discussion, it is necessary to follow the rules created on this matter. This text specifically contemplates the communicatio in spiritualibus et in sacris, with the presentation of some considerations at the time of celebrating the sacraments, or the meeting of both Catholic and non-Catholic ministers in sacred spaces of common use.


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How to Cite
Flores, A. C. (2021). The The communication in spiritualibus et in sacris:: Some considerations on ecumenism and sacramental law. ESPAÇOS - Revista De Teologia E Cultura, 29(1), 135–151. Retrieved from
Seção Artigos
Author Biography

Alejandro Cifuentes Flores

Padre escalabriniano, mestre em Direito Canônico pela Pontifícia Universidade Gregoriana, de Roma, e vice diretor e professor no Instituto São Paulo de Estudos Superiores - ITESP.


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