Teria a teologia de Lutero relevância para a América Latina? Reflexões interessadas a partir da teologia de Lutero no contexto dos 500 anos da Reforma Luterana (1517-2017)

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Roberto E. Zwetsch


The article addresses selected questions from Luther's theology from the Latin American perspective. It seeks to answer the question of the current relevance of the Martin Luther”s theology and the movement of the Church Reformation in the sixteenth century. The author reinterprets it as a reader interested in Luther's theology and not as a specialist, since the work of the reformer is so vast that it can almost be described metaphorically as Amazonian. Based on specialized studies by expert connoisseurs of Luther's work, notably Lutheran theologians and Latin American theologians, the author sets out to highlight - in a critical and constructive way - possible contributions of Luther's theology that can serve as inspiration for reflection and the contemporary theological dialogue in a context dominated by the pretension of a single thought and a political economy that despises the contribution and the very presence of the popular sectors and the most vulnerable people who do not count for the dominant system.


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How to Cite
Zwetsch, R. E. (2019). Teria a teologia de Lutero relevância para a América Latina? Reflexões interessadas a partir da teologia de Lutero no contexto dos 500 anos da Reforma Luterana (1517-2017). ESPAÇOS - Revista De Teologia E Cultura, 24(2), 133–155. Retrieved from https://itesp.emnuvens.com.br/espacos/article/view/78
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Author Biography

Roberto E. Zwetsch

Pastor e teólogo luterano, professor no Programa de Pós-Graduação e Bacharelado em Teologia de Faculdades EST, São Leopoldo, RS, Brasil.