The idolatry of money and human life: the peculiar situation of forced migrations

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Guilherme C. Delgado
Roberto Marinucci


The article aims to deepen the link between money idolatry and forced migration, starting with a recent Vatican document on the current economic-financial system. After the critical presentation of the document, the article focuses on the question of (money) idolatry in a constant dialogue between Sacred Scripture, pronouncements of Pope Francis and social reality. In the last part, the reflections are applied to the challenges of forced migration, as locus theologicus: a reality that must be theologized and at the same time can theologize, that is, illuminate the discernment of the signs of the presence / absence of God in history.


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How to Cite
Delgado, G. C., & Marinucci, R. (2021). The idolatry of money and human life:: the peculiar situation of forced migrations. ESPAÇOS - Revista De Teologia E Cultura, 26(2), 167–184. Retrieved from
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Author Biographies

Guilherme C. Delgado

Doutor em Economia pela UNICAMP (1984), pesquisador do IPEA/Brasília (1977-2007), assessora Pastorais Sociais da CNBB e é estudioso de questões teológicas.

Roberto Marinucci

Missiólogo, pesquisador do Centro Scalabrinianos de Estudos Migratórios de Brasília, Diretor da Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana (REMHU).


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