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Antonio Sagrado Bogaz
João Henrique Hansen


The proposal of Pope Francis, in view of an ecclesial and ecclesiastical renewal, to build a synodal path for the Church, sounded as a great novelty and even aroused criticism from some sectors of the Church and Theology, accustomed as they are to a deeply hierarchical conception of Church, crystallized in its structures and little participatory. This reality, inherited from centuries of our history, occurs above all in the lay spheres, but also in the institutional norms. However, we can consider that the Church is synodal since its origins and the ways of conducting its evangelization, celebration and decisions have always witnessed the "walking together", including its organizational and celebratory issues. To illuminate the ecclesial renewal within the purpose of synodality, we seek to search for the conceptual forms of this style of being Church. In the sequence, we rescue the relational and participative forms of Christians, understanding their ministerial functions and vocations. Understanding better the genuine communion and participation of the Christians of the first centuries, we will have more foundations and experiences to renew our Church of our times within the synodal spirit.


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How to Cite
Bogaz , A. S., & Hansen, J. H. . (2022). IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE SYNOD: RESCUE OF THE SYNODAL ECCLESIOLOGY OF THE ORIGINS. ESPAÇOS - Revista De Teologia E Cultura, 30(1), 103–129.
Seção Artigos
Author Biographies

Antonio Sagrado Bogaz , ITESP

Doutor em Teologia Sistemática e doutor em Teologia Litúrgica (PIL/Roma). É professor de Teologia Patrística e Liturgia no ITESP.

João Henrique Hansen, UMESP

Doutor em literatura, pela USP, e pós-doutor em Ciências da Religião (UMESP-SP). É professor de teologia e pesquisador do fenômeno religioso.


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